Directed by Fred Olen Ray
Writing credits Brett Kelly David A. Lloyd
Alexandre Boisvert
Rebecca Love
Ted Newsom .... Constable
Christine Nguyen
Nicole Sheridan .... Ghost
Eric Spudic .... Telegram Boy
Evan Stone
“Ghost in a Teeny Bikini” tells the tale of a ghost in a teeny bikini. It is another skin flick in a long line of skin flicks from your late night cable friend and mine, Nicholas Medina AKA Fred Olen Ray. Ray has now gotten into the groove with these movies. He is the undisputed master of B-movie economics. He cranks out two skin flicks for the price of one and a half. The same cast moves seamlessly from one movie to the next over the span of a week, (maybe two), and slams two flicks into the can and onto Skin-a-max before you can say hot naked chicks rule! This time the gang has made “Ghost in a Teeny Bikini” along with “Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet”. We’re definitely a much better society for these late night contributions to horny insomnia.
“Ghost in a Teeny Bikini” has Nicole Sheridan as the ghost.

“Ghost in a Teeny Bikini” was decent. This one was actually a little more interested in being an amusing movie than blowing it out with hot sex scenes. They went for something a little different. Let’s put it this way, there were about three scenes of people lip synching to bad songs. It does throw you for a loop to have singing in a skin flick. But the actors were decent in this one, especially the butler who I found to be pretty funny. Muffin wasn't too bad either. Muffin, Muffin, Muffin...
Speaking of hot Muffins, let’s get back to what’s important. Let’s concentrate on the sex. There are two good sex scenes in this one. The rest were fair. The scene with Sheridan and Muffin was good. It went down nice and slow.

SCORE: 2.5 out of 4 for a whole lotta Love

Hot Telegram delivering action
Very hot script delivering action
Super hot Tip begging action. She knows how to make a Telegram boy happy.

Only one sex scene with Nichole Sheridan? And she's the main character in the show? A quick preview tells me this movie rates landfill compared to other shows from Fred Olen Ray. Evan Stone's overdone scowling was really nauseating. A majority of imdb users agree.
Bikini Avengers was one of my favorite Bikini movies. Sarah Hunter had a good part as the evil villainess, more exciting than Rebecca Love but of course no one else in Bikini land could match her boob size.
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