Directed by Fred Olen Ray
Writing credits Fred Olen Ray
Regina Russell.... Terri
Brad Bartram.... Gary
Jay Richardson.... Captain Sam
Sam Silver.... Dave
Belinda Gavin.... Vicki (as Kylie Biscayne)
Loni Lynn.... Traci
Amy Lindsay.... Pam (as Julie Snow)
Welcome to Bikini Airways! We'll be traveling at 69,000 feet today. You may see us flying past cloud 69 as well. If you look down the aisle, you may also see the number 69 in action. We are cruising to Miami today so that this guy can get married. But before he gets married, we are going to throw one heck of a bachelor party for him. You see, our boss, (Regina Russell), inherited this airline. It was going nowhere fast. So in a fit of business genius, she decided to charter her plane to a rich guy for his bachelor party. Luckily for her, she had three entertainers/strippers/bimbos in bikinis working for her. These girls are ready to party down. The guy paid $25,000 for the flight and the girls will earn every penny.
Your money will also be well spent if you decide to fly "Bikini Airways". It takes off fairly regularly from various late night cable channels. Although there are a few funny parts, don't be fooled into thinking that this is a comedy. "Bikini Airways" is softcore porn. If you're giggling during the sex scenes, something is very wrong. But if you're looking to fly to that red eye in the sky, hop on "Bikini Airways".
SCORE: 2.5 out of 4 Belindas in bikinis

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