Hello there. I have a powerful urge to immerse myself in cinema so I will challenge myself to see four movies in the theater this weekend. The four films I speak of, (in the order I intend to view them) are:
"A Walk Among the Tombstones"
Liam Neeson on the trail of dirtbags who like to kidnap women. Sold. Done deal. I am totally digging the avenging angel of death persona Liam Neeson is unleashing on the movies lately. A Charles Bronson for our times.
"The Guest"
This movie has a terrible generic title and and even worse poster but it is from the guy who did "You're Next", (which I liked), so it's worth a look. Also played the Midnight Madness section at Toronto so it's been on my B-movie radar.
The Maze Runner
Clearly another "Hunger Games"/ "Divergent" copy cranked out to cash in on teens trying to survive the apocalypse. But who am I to judge its artistic merit without seeing it? Run teens run!
The Walrus and the Canadian Carpenter. A movie that Kevin Smith decided to make after a podcast joke about it. There are worse inspirations. Besides, no one has ever made a man turning into a walrus movie. That alone is worth a look.
So I'm thinking two a day and save the walrus for last. I'll post my thoughts on my movie excursion after my cinematic adventure.
One last thought, whatever happened to "The Green Inferno"?
I read one article that said the production company refused to pay for the marketing costs. But does this mean the movie is stuck in limbo for the rest of the year?
Come on you cheap bastards, cough up the money. You made the damn cannibal movie now release it.
I leave you with one final thought:Eva Green was amazing in "Sin City". Check it out.