
Sunday, June 18, 2006

"Hell's Highway" review

Hell's Highway (2002)

Directed by Jeff Leroy
Writing credits Jeff Leroy

Phoebe Dollar.... Lucindia Polonia
Kiren David.... Sarah
Jonathan Gray.... Chris
Hank Horner.... Eric
Beverly Lynne.... Monique
Ron Jeremy.... Jack

I bought this video for four bucks. Four friends hit the devil's interstate. They pick up a female hitchhiker with funky eyes. Those eyes bewitch the travelers and the viewer. She may be the devil, or psychotic, or both. Much blood will be spilled to find the truth.

I bought this video because I saw that Ron Jeremy was in it. For some reason, I thought he would be the devil but the hedgehog only stays around for one scene. If you know what Jeremy is famous for, you'll know what to expect. He's a pretty good actor. I always like to see him in other kinds of flicks. I was not disappointed.

"Hell's Highway" is gory stuff. Not scary, but nice and gory. I was laughing my head off at some of the nastiness. The funniest thing in this one is watching Lucinda, (Phoebe Dollar), attack. She is not athletic at all so watching her run at a moving car with a shovel was quite amusing. It put the SPLAT in splatter. Her carcass being dragged behind the car was also humorous. In other good news, Beverly Lynne provides all of the abundant nudity. What a trooper she is.

Overall, I was entertained. Isn't that what it's all about? The blood, the guts, the's all ours...

SCORE: 2 out of 4 funky evil eyes


  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    i was really surprised by how good this was, (the gore especially was superb), but i was just wondering if you had any naked pictures of phoebe dollar that you could add on to the reveiw?.

  2. I don't have any naked pictures of Phoebe Dollar. Actually, I've lamented about the lack of naked pics of her in other reviews. Check out my review of "Charlie's Death Wish". Someone commented on that review that Phoebe doesn't get naked because "she's not that kind of girl". It could be true. But I wish she was.

  3. Anonymous4:11 AM

    its funny, i`ve been looking around the internet but i cant seem to find phoebe`s actual age, i just wonder how far past the magic number 18 she really is, but i`d still love to see her arse.
